Bumped into an ex-Rumah Faith boy, Ganesan, at IOI Mall
Ganesan was a challenge to handle while he was growing up from the age of 3 in the Home. He had 3 siblings and a few cousins growing up there too. Today all have left the home and are gainfully employed. Some are happily married.
Ganesan is still single, he works in a hotel, F&B Dept. When asked if he drinks, he said no.
He is also part time DJ and travels oversea to do this hobby of his. Recently went to Korea, and soon going to Thailand. “Not bad,” I thought.
I asked him, “in what language do you talk?” He said, “English.”
I was thinking, not bad again, the English training in RUMAH FAITH is ok after all. Not only Ganesan, many of our ex children are emplyoyed in their working places due to the ability to converse in good spoken in English.
There are children who come to our Home without any knowledge of spoken English but within one year they can speak the language.
Even in our own Bday functions, Dinners when visitors come whether in the Dining Hall or Multi Purpose Hall, it’s our children who are the MCs.
Before he left, he gave us all a good hug and went his way to join his friends.

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