Last Saturday I went to my onetime Pastoral intern’s daughters 21st bday which was grandly celebrated. (His name is Rev. Hosea Maniam, Pastor of CLC Puchong. His daughter is Pressanna)
I have written about them and their event last week.
Today I want to say something about Komathy Ramasamy whom I met there. She came to our Home, Rumah Faith at the age of 14, because her widowed mom could not take care of her neither educate her with her meagre income as a factory worker.
We seldom take in children after the age of 12. Unless they are really keen to study. We know children after this age are difficult to handle and they can cause various social problems to the Home and to the other children. But Komathy was focused in her studies and finished her Form 5 well and joined her mom, to help out in the Home where she had a step brother who was special.
I was indeed happy to see her in this church’s bday function. Komathy is now a mother of two lovely girls, her husband, a Pastor’s son and Church leader, Mr. Joshua Ratnavelu, works in DHL, a courier company.
What really impressed me more was her determination after her Form 5 to continue her studies while working and is now doing Administrative & Accounting work in an IT company. She studied Management and Information System in College and graduated nine years ago.
Congrats Komathy for your hard work and for all that you have achieved. Desa Amal Jireh/Rumah FAITH is proud of children like you who pursue education and knowledge to better themselves. We give the Foundation and motivation but you have to make the best of it.

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