Needs list
Below is the list of things our home currently needs.Please contact the office to confirm the current needs of the home.
Contact Ms. Catherine Yeo or Ms. Mala at 603-87245153/8 for details
Kitchen’s needs
- Curry powder
- Tamarind
- Salt
- Sardines
- Milk powder
- Condensed Milk
- Milo
- Horlicks
- Nescafe
- Jam
- Kaya
- Peanut butter
- Margarine
- Thick soya sauce
- Chilli sauce (big bottles)
- Onion
- Garlic
- Potatoes

Home’s needs
- Fabreeze – cubes
- Soap powder
- Clorox (bleach)
- Plastic brushes for scrubbing collars
- In-door brooms (50)
- Calculators for school
- Bathing soap
- Drain cleaning brushes
- Hair cream (not gell)
- Eye-mo
- Blankets
- Big Fridge
- Garbage bags